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中國常識 (文化)
作者: 任啟亮
印刷版:HK$52.20   HK$58.00
[民族篇Ethnic Groups]
03/概述 Introduction
04/中華始祖——黃帝和炎帝 Earliest Ancestor of the Chinese Nation Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) and Yandi (Red Emperor)
07/中國的民族 Chinese Ethnic Groups
10/漢族 The Han
12/滿族 The Manchu
14/蒙古族 The Mongolian
16/回族 The Hui
18/壯族 The Zhuang
20/維吾爾族 The Uygur
22/朝鮮族 The Koreans
24/高山族 The Gaoshan
26/苗族 The Miao
28/彝族 The Yi
30/傣族 The Dai
32/藏族 The Tibetan

[民俗篇Folk Customs]
37/概述 Introduction
38/春節 The Spring Festival
42/元宵節 The Lantern Festival
44/清明節 The Pure Brightness Day
46/端午節 The Dragon Boat Festival
48/中秋節 The Mid-Autumn Festival
50/重陽節 The Double-Ninth Festival
52/二十四節氣 The 24 Seasonal Division Points
56/十二屬相 Twelve Symbolic Animals
58/四靈——古代吉祥的象徵 Four Deities Symbol of Auspice in Ancient Times
62/吉祥圖案 Auspicious Patterns
64/中國人的姓名 Names of Chinese People
68/民間廟會 Folk Temple Fair
70/中國茶 Chinese Tea
72/中國酒 Chinese Wine
74/中國菜 Chinese Cuisine

[傳統美德篇Traditional Virtues]
79/概述 Introduction
80/愛國情懷 Patriotic Sentiments
83/崇尚操守 Advocate Integrity
85/勤勞儉樸 Diligence and Frugality
87/勤奮好學 Diligent and Eager to Study
90/謙虛禮讓 Modesty and Comity
92/誠實守信 Honest and Trustworthy
94/樂善好施 Be Glad to Give to Charities
96/尊師重教 Honor the Teacher and Stress Education
98/尊老愛幼 Respect the Aged and Care for the Young

[古代科技篇Ancient Science and Technology]
103/概述 Introduction
104/指南針 Compass
106/古代造紙術 Papermaking
108/古代印刷術 Printing
109/火藥 Gunpowder
110/張衡和地 儀 Zhang Heng and the Seismograph
112/祖沖之和圓周率 Zu Chongzhi and Pi
114/黃道婆改革紡織術 Huang Daopo Innovating Textile Technique
116/日晷和銅壺滴漏 Sundial and Copper Clepsydra
118/算盤和珠算 Abacus and Calculation with an Abacus
120/針灸術 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy
122/麻醉術 Narcotherapy
123/中醫中藥 Traditional Chinese Medical Science and Medicine

[語言文字篇Spoken and Written Languages]
127/概述 Introduction
128/漢語 The Chinese Language
129/普通話和方言 Mandarin and Dialects
131/漢字 Chinese Characters
133/甲骨文 Jiaguwen
135/繁體字和簡化字 Original Complex Chinese Characters and Simplified Chinese Characters

139/概述 Introduction
140/遠古神話 Myths of Remote Antiquity
142/《詩經》 The Book of Songs
144/楚辭 Chu Ci
146/漢樂府 Yuefu Songs of the Han Dynasty
148/南北朝民歌 Folk Songs of the Northern and Southern Dynasties
150/唐詩 Poetry of the Tang Dynasty
153/宋詞 Ci Poetry of the Song Dynasty
156/元雜劇 Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty
158/明清小說 Fiction of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

[藝術體育篇Artistic Work and Sport]
163/概述 Introduction
164/書法 Calligraphy
166/篆刻 Seal Cutting
168/中國畫 Traditional Chinese Painting
170/民樂 Musical Instruments
172/京劇 Beijing Opera
175/地方戲 Local Operas
178/曲藝 Quyi
180/雜技 Acrobatics
182/中國象棋 Chinese Chess
184/圍棋 Go
186/武術 Martial Arts

[古建築篇Ancient Architecture]
191/概述 Introduction
192/宮廷建築 The Imperial Palace
196/寺廟建築 Temples
199/民居 Residences
203/園林 Classical Garden
206/亭台樓閣 Kiosk, Tower and Pavilion
208/古塔 Ancient Pagoda
210/古橋 Ancient Bridge

[工藝美術篇Arts and Crafts]
215/概述 Introduction
216/陶瓷 Pottery and Porcelain
219/扇子 Fan
220/燈彩 Lantern
222/刺繡 Embroidery
224/景泰藍 Cloisonn
226/風箏 Kite
228/唐三彩 Tri-colored Glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty
230/絲綢 Silk
232/蠟染和藍印花布 Batik and Blue Print
234/剪紙 Paper Cuts
236/玉雕 Jade Carving
238/石獅 Stone Lion
240/文房四寶 Four Treasures of the Study

[文物篇Cultural Relics]
245/概述 Introduction
246/司母戊方鼎 Simuwu Ding
248/越王勾踐劍 Sword of King Gou Jian of Yue
249/長信宮燈 Changxin Palace Lamp
250/秦始皇陵兵馬俑 Terracotta Figurines of Soldiers and Horses
252/曾侯乙編鐘 Chime Bells of Yi, the Marquis of Zeng
254/金縷玉衣 Jade Suit Sewn with Gold Thread
256/銅奔馬 Galloping Horse in Bronze
257/永樂大鐘 Great Bell of Yongle
259/古代錢幣 Ancient Coins




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